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REINAS Publications
REINAS has produced a wealth of interesting,important, and fact-filled publications ranging fromuser level documentation andsystem-level requirement descriptions to refereed conference and journal publications. Many of thesepublications are available online.
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Presentations and Slides
- ONR Systems Presentation in Washington, D.C. (1997)
Available online as Adobe PDF 3.0 (3 MB)
Systems Publications and Concept Documents
``REINAS: A Real-time System for Managing Environmental Data,'' Proceedings of Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, June 1996; Long, Mantey, Rosen, Wittenbrink, Gritton.
Available online in Adobe PDF or as compressed Postscript.
Note: The online version of the above is actually an expanded version of this paper that has been accepted to a special issue of the Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.
- ``Compression research on the REINAS project'', In Proceedings of the 1995 Science Information Management and Data Compression Workshop, Goddard Space Flight Center Conference Publication 3315; Langdon, Wittenbrink, Pang, et al., (October, 1995).
- REINAS Annual Report (1995), also available in Postscript
- ``REINAS: The Real-time Environmental Information Network and Analysis System,'' Proceedings of COMPCON, March 1995; Long, Mantey, Wittenbrink, Haining, Montague (1995).
- REINAS: Real-Time Environmental Network and Analysis System: Phase IV.Final Experimentation, Mantey, Long, Garcia-Luna, Pang, Kolsky, Gritton, Nuss (1994).
- REINAS: Real-Time Environmental Network and Analysis System: Phase IV.1 Experimentation Summary, Mantey, Long, Garcia-Luna, Pang, Kolsky, Gritton, Nuss (1994).
- REINAS: Real-Time Environmental Network and Analysis System: Phase III - Systems Design Specifications; Mantey, Long, Garcia-Luna, Pang, Kolsky, Gritton, Nuss (1994).
- REINAS: Real-Time Environmental Network and Analysis System: Phase II - Requirement Definitions; Mantey, Garcia-Luna, Kolsky, Long, Pang, Rosen, Tang, Montague, Abram, Macy, Gritton, Paduan, Nuss (1993).
- REINAS: Real-Time Environmental Network and Analysis System: Concept Statement, Long, Mantey, Pang, Langdon, Levinson, Kolsky, Gritton, Wash, Rosenfeld (1993).
Visualization Publications
- ``Collaborative 3D Visualization with CSpray'', Submitted to IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, A.T. Pang and Craig M. Wittenbrink (1996).
- ``Glyphs for visualizing uncertainty in vector fields,'' In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, c/o Arie Kaufman, Editor in Chief; C.M. Wittenbrink, A. Pang, S. Lodha (September, 1996).
- ``Visualizing Geometric Uncertainty of Surface Interpolants'', In Proceedings Graphics Interfaces '96; S. Lodha, B. Sheehan, A. Pang, and C. Wittenbrink (May, 1996).
- ``Visual Comparison of Surfaces'', Technical Report UCSC-CRL-95-46, University of California, Santa Cruz; S. Lodha, B. Sheehan, A. Pang, and C. Wittenbrink (1995).
- ``Verity visualization: visual mappings'' Technical Report, UCSC-CRL-95-48, University of California, Santa Cruz; C. M. Wittenbrink, A. T. Pang and S. Lodha (1995).
- ``Realtime Database Support for Environmental Visualization,'' In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Second Workshop on Database Issues for Data Visualization; Wittenbrink, Rosen, Pang, Lodha, Mantey (1995).
- ``CSpray: a collaborative scientific visualization application,'' Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Multimedia Computing and Networking, Volume 2417; Pang, Wittenbrink, Goodman (1995).
- ``Glyphs for visualizing uncertainty in environmental vector fields,'' Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Im Visual Data Exploration and Analysis, Volume 2410; Wittenbrink, Saxon, Furman, Pang, Lodha (1995).
- ``Spray rendering as a modular visualization environment,'' In Computer Graphics, Volume 29, Special Issue on Modular Visualization Environments; Wittenbrink and Pang, (1995).
- ``IFS fractal interpolation for 2D and 3D visualization,'' Proceedings of IEEE Visualization `95; Wittenbrink (1995).
- Mix & Match: A Construction Kit for Visualization, Pang and Alper; Color Figures.
Science and Instrumentation
- ``REINAS: Real Time Environmental Information Network'', Fernandez, Mantey, Long, Rosen, Wittenbrink, in Sea Technology, May, 1996.
- ``The Real-Time Environmental Information Network and Analysis System (REINAS)'', Nuss, W.A., P.E. Mantey, A. Pang, D.D.E. Long; Preprints 12th Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology, Atlanta, February (1996).
- ``Feature extraction of clouds from GOES Satellite Data for Integrated Model Measurement Visualization'', C. M. Wittenbrink, G. Fernandez i Ubiergo, and G. G. Langdon, Jr. In Proceedings of the IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Image and Video Processing IV, Vol. 2666, pages 212-222, (1996). Prize Paper.
- ``Data Quality Issues in Visualization'', A. Pang and J. Furman and W. Nuss, in SPIE Visual Data Exploration and Analysis , Vol. 2178, pages 12-23, 1994.
- "Use of multiquadric interpolation for meteorological objective analysis", W.A. Nuss and D.W. Titley, in Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 122, 1994.
Networking Publications
- ``Monterey BayNet-ATM'', C. M. Wittenbrink, Arul Ananthanarayanan, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Patrick Mantey, and Bruce Gritton; ConneXions, Ole J. Jacobsen, Editor and Publisher, Vol. 10, No. 3, March 1996, pages 22-33.
- Chane Fullmer and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves,``FAMA-PJ: A Channel Access Protocol for Wireless LANs,''to appear in ACM Mobile Computing and Networks '95,November 14-15, 1995.
- Chane Fullmer and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, ``Floor Acquisition Multiple Access forPacket-Radio Networks,'',to appear in ACM SIGCOMM 95, Cambridge, MA, August 30-September 1, 1995.
- J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves and Jochen Behrens,``Distributed, Scalable Routing Based on Link-State Vectors'',JSAC, Special Issue on Global Internets,Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 1383-95, October, 1995.
- Jochen Behrens and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves,``Distributed, Scalable Routing Based on Link-State Vectors'',Proceedings of SIGCOMM 1994.
- Shree Murthy and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, "An Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Networks",,to appear in Mobile Networks and Nomadic Applications (NOMAD),Special issue on Routing in Mobile Communication Networks, vol. 1, No. 4,1996.
- Shree Murthy and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, "A Routing Protocol for Packet Radio Networks",,First International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking,Nov. 14-15, 1995.
- Shree Murthy and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves,"Dynamics of a Loop-Free Path-Finding Algorithm",,GLOBECOM'95, Nov. 13-17, 1995.
- J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves and Shree Murthy,"A Loop-Free Path-Finding Algorithm: Specification, Verification andComplexity",INFOCOM 1995.
- Shree Murthy and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves,"A Loop-Free Algorithm based on Predecessor Information",,ICCCN 1994.
- Shree Murthy and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves,"A More Efficient Path-Finding Algorithm",,28th Asilomar Conference, 1995.
- H.-P. Dommel and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves,``Floor Control for Activity Coordination in Networked MultimediaApplications'',To appear in 2nd Asian-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC)'95,Osaka, Japan, June 12-16 1995.
- H.-P. Dommel and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves,``Design Issues for Floor Control Protocols'',IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Multimedia Computing andNetworking, Vol. 2417, San Jose, CA, Feb. 1995.
- H.-P. Dommel and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, ``Floor Control for Networked Multimedia Applications'',To appear for ACM SIGCOMM'95 Middleware Workshop, Cambridge, MA,August 28-September 1, 1995.